You are more than an ADHD diagnosis.

Your life feels like chaos and people keep telling you that you just need to fix your ADHD. You have read various books, have tried the medications, and have written things down. Truth is, if there was just some simple fix, we all would have done it by now.

Life keeps moving. You have your career and family but in spite of the success you have achieved, you know you haven’t really been and done all that you could. Every thing feels hard. You feel lazy, overwhelmed, behind, and envious of everyone else who seems to have it all together.

You want to get things done, to finish what you started. You want your world to feel organized and just easier.

You are not broken and you don’t need to be fixed. You need something that is lasting and permanent - TRANSFORMATIONAL.

Krista Kilbane, LCSW ADHD Expert