The Secrets Behind Managing ADD/ADHD Part 2

There are 6 Steps involved in completing any task from beginning to end.6 Steps to Complete a Task

  1. Analyze the information needed for the task.

  2. Plan how to accomplish the task.

  3. Organize the process in order to complete the task.

  4. Develop a timeline for completing the task.

  5. Adjust or change the plan in order to complete the task.

  6. Complete the task.


Difficulty in starting a task and taking it to completion could be a sign of dysfunctions in these neurological processes.  Most often this shows up in working and recall memory, time management, organization, setting priorities, managing emotions, self-regulation, focus, and effort.  Whew!  No wonder we feel so tired and overwhelemed at times.In combing through the literature in search of the "best" break down of these processes for myself and my clients, I found Dr. Thomas Brown's "Model of Executive Functions" to be the most concise and understandable.  His model is broken down into 6 separate clusters that work together simultaneously.  People with ADD/ADHD do not necessarilly have dysfunctions in all areas.  More often than not, however, I find clients do have deficits in more than one category, myself included.Brown's Executive Function Model

  1. Activation: Organizing, Prioritizing, and Activating to work

  2. Focus: Focusing, Sustaining, and Shifting Attention to tasks

  3. Effort: Regulating Alertness, Sustaining Effort, and Processing Speed

  4. Emotion: Managing Frustrations and Modulating Emotions

  5. Action: Monitoring and Self-Regulating Action


The Secrets Behind Managing ADD/ADHD Part 3: Task Completion Tools


The Secrets Behind Managing ADD/ADHD Part 1